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Opera 9.61 released

Opera Software has released a new version of Opera 9.6, only two weeks later. As this is not only a maintenance release, but also a security release it's a recommended download for all Opera users.

Concerning security there are three flaws addressed in this release. A severe flaw in the history search functionality allowed sites to retrieve your browsing history, including the contents, Fast Forward had a vulnerability that it allowed cross site scripting, and the possibility that a script made the user subscribe another feed than chosen, and read data of the other feeds the user is subscribed to.

Other fixes include an issue with Opera Link which could generate duplicate bookmarks during the synchronization process and the image toggle button on the status bar is now a normal button.
Please make sure everybody upgrades. Although Opera itself will notify of new versions, this release contains three really important security fixes and thus should not be skipped by any Opera user and installed as soon as possible.

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