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What is Calc?

Calc can calculate anything you hand it. It’s a full-featured spreadsheet program with all the great bells and whistles you’d expect from the best. While Calc is super at doing all the basic spreadsheet things, such as adding, sorting, manipulating rows and columns, and inserting graphics, Calc also lets you do the following:

· Link to external databases, such as dBase and MySQL (or even your email address book) and view, query, sort, filter, generate automatic reports and more, without affecting your original database.

· Use an intuitive graphical interface to organize your data from your spreadsheets or database.

· Filter your spreadsheet or database data to locate information quickly.

· Use automatic subtotaling with outlining capabilities to give you instant information of the big picture, whenever you need it.

· Use any and all of 364 built-in functions for financial, mathematical,statistical, database and other purposes. Or create your own formulas.

· Use extensive formatting capabilities, including autoformatting, style sheets, graphical backgrounds, fancy borders, as well as conditional formatting.

· Freeze headings, create multiple sheets for a 3-D spreadsheet, use split sheets, floating frames...

· Validate data (for example, require a specified format, such as a date)

· Save, print, and import and export a variety of formats (including your favorites)

Generate 3-D charts, try out goal seeking, protect your documents, create macros, and lots more.

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