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Excel keystrokes that enable you to move through a worksheet

  1. Up arrow –> Moves the active cell one row up
  2. Down arrow  –> Moves the active cell one row down
  3. Left arrow  –> Moves the active cell one column to the left
  4. Right arrow  –> Moves the active cell one column to the right
  5. PgUp  –> Moves the active cell one screen up
  6. PgDn –> Moves the active cell one screen down
  7. Alt+PgDn  –> Moves the active cell one screen right
  8. Alt+PgUp  –> Moves the active cell one screen left
  9. Home  –> Moves the active cell to the first column of the row that the active cell is currently in
  10. Ctrl+Home  –> Moves the active cell to the beginning of worksheet (A1)
  11. F5  –> Displays the Go To dialog box
  12. Ctrl+Backspace  –> Scrolls the screen to display the active cell
  13. Up arrow*  –> Scrolls the screen one row up (active cell doesn’t change)
  14. Down arrow*  –> Scrolls the screen one row down (active cell doesn’t change)
  15. Left arrow*  –> Scrolls the screen one column left (active cell doesn’t change)
  16. Right arrow*  –> Scrolls the screen one column right (active cell doesn’t change)

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