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Windows 7 Milestone 1 (M1) Build 6.1.6519.1 Download

Windows 7, which formerly known with codename of Blackcomb and Vienna, is the working name for the next major version of Microsoft Windows which is also the successor to Windows Vista. Windows 7 Milestone 1 (or Windows 7 M 1) code drop build version number 6.1.6519.1 (6519.1.071220-1525) has been released since January 2008 in both x86 and x64 versions, is now leaked for free BT (BitTorrent) torrent download. However, it’s not the Windows 7 M1 Build 6574.1 which has confirmed to be released by Microsoft.

Users and operating system tech enthusiasts who eager and can’t wait to tryout Windows 7 can now download and install the very first release on Windows 7 M1. But do remember that Windows 7 is still very early in beta phase, with expected release date of 2009 or 2010, more than 2 years from now. So this download is not for the fainted heart, and do expect lots of hiccups, bugs, and errors during installation and daily use. If you just intended to see how is Windows 7 looks like, here’s screen shots and video demo of Windows 7 M1, and also video demo of multi-touch and gesture recognition in Windows 7.

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