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Free Tools that makes your computer faster Part 3

Over-web Printing: PrinterShare.

If, like me, your printer ran out sometime last year and you've not yet got around to buying more totally overpriced ink cartriges for it, PrinterShare is the perfect thing. It allows you to print things out on your more-organised friends' printers, by sending them over the web.

Sounds complicated, but once installed and auto-configured the long distance print option will appear in your regular print window. Don't do it too often though; you'll get a reputation... Available for Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux.

File Conversion online: YouConvertIt/Zamzar.

These are nifty, user-friendly sites which can convert over 100 types of media file formats between each other. So, if you've a CV document from Word, and you'd like to make it a PDF instead, you simply put in your email address, upload the file to convert, and choose '.PDF' in the drop-down box below.

Both YouConvertIt and Zamzar work the same way; they'll do the hard work, and then email you a link to download the new file. One thing though, since these services both store your files online before conversion, it's not advisable to use them to convert sensitive documents.

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