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Online office suites...

There are also a few online office suites worth checking out. With these, there's no installation to worry about, you can store your work online, and their primary function is you can share it with others you're collaborating with via the web. The flipside though, is you must be online for them to work. Here's the best:


Almost 100% compatible with Office, ThinkFree is a free online suite which bears a striking resemblance to the latter, and has received glowing reviews all round. It includes the equivalents of Word, Excel & Powerpoint, looks pretty, and most importantly for an online suite, is responsive and simple to navigate. It also holds a trump card in the way it hides your web browser window when in use, so you can use regular keyboard shortcuts to control it without upsetting your browser. Neat.

Zoho Office Suite.

This basic-but-superfast package is fine for simple tasks, but if you're going to need advanced features it's best to look elsewhere. Whilst it offers a wider range of applications than ThinkFree, they aren't as detailed. Zoho stores all your documents in its 1GB free storage space, and allows you to share them with (member) friends via email invitation.

Google Docs.

This service has more of an emphasis on collaboration than the other two. The idea here is you can select a few people to work with you on the same document, and they can all see it and make changes in real-time. I've included it since it now includes plenty of useful document, spreadsheet, and presentation templates which you can use to get going.

It's also the most web-oriented, since if you publish one of your Google Docs, you can use all manner of Google's whizzy analytics tools to track its progress too.

Presentations Only: Preezo.

Preezo is a dedicated online presentation application, quite similar in use to Microsoft's PowerPoint. It's ideal if you need to put together a presentation quickly and have no software installed on your machine.

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