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Excel :Deleting a Worksheet

To delete a worksheet, right-click the sheet tab and choose Delete from the menu that appears. If the sheet you want to delete contains data (or if you delete all the data on a sheet in the current session), Excel asks you to confirm the fact that you want to delete the sheet. Every workbook must contain at least one sheet, so if you try to delete the only sheet, Excel complains.

To select multiple sheets to delete, press Ctrl while clicking the sheet tabs that you want to delete. To select a group of contiguous sheets, click the first sheet tab, press Shift, and then click the last sheet tab.

After you delete a worksheet, it’s gone for good. This operation is one of the few in Excel that you can’t undo. Therefore, you may want to save a workbook before deleting worksheets. Then, if you inadvertently delete a worksheet, you can revert to the saved version.

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