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Excel : key combinations to perform editing

After you’re in edit mode, you can use any of the following keys or key combinations to perform your edits:

  1. Left arrow/right arrow: Moves the cursor left or right one character,respectively, without deleting any characters.
  2. Ctrl+left arrow/Ctrl+right arrow: Moves the cursor one group of characters to the left or right, respectively.
  3. Shift+left arrow/ Shift+right arrow: Selects characters to the left or right of the cursor, respectively.
  4. Shift+Home: Selects from the cursor to the first character in the cell.
  5. Shift+End: Selects from the cursor to the last character in the cell.
  6. Backspace: Erases the character to the immediate left of the cursor.
  7. Delete: Erases the character to the right of the cursor or erases all selected characters.
  8. Insert: Places Excel in OVR (overtype) mode. Rather than adding characters to the cell, you overtype, or replace, existing characters with new ones,depending on the position of the cursor.
  9. Home: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the cell entry.
  10. End: Moves the cursor to the end of the cell entry.

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